Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My parents are the coolest.

I don't know if everyone is aware...but I have the coolest parents ever.
 hands down. 

John Betting Hofman.
Kathleen Brown Hofman
The essence of cool.

Growing up, I heard them say a lot of things...sometimes funny, sometimes serious.
Today we're gonna take a walk down memory lane and remember some of the things they used to say! 

Here we go:

Mom: "See ya in the morning's milk when the milkman comes!"

Dad: "It will stop hurting when you become a girl."

Mom: "You're a gentleman and a scholar."

Dad: "RALPH!" (every time he burps).

Me: "Hey!"
Mom: "Hay is for horses, straw is cheaper..."

Dad: "Upshkita!!"

Mom: "Well, well, well...it's a very deep subject."

Dad: "Put your finger in this..." (he always said this while holding a pair of pliers and other various tools that would hurt really bad to have your finger pinched with).

Mom: "What's your name?  Don't forget it!"

Dad: "Kimberly!  You stink!"

Mom: "Mooije...Meisje...I mean Sophie!!"

Dad: "As mayor of munchkin city, we welcome you most regally!"

Mom: "That is asinine!"

Dad: "Hi, I'm Big John!"

Mom: "We don't say hate!  Hate means you want to kill someone.  Do you really want to kill Sophie?"

Dad: "Hi grompa grompa grompa gromp..." (when talking to my baby nieces)

Mom: "Brittany...i mean Sophie...I mean Kimberly!"

Dad: "Hey punkin!" (when talking to us girls)

Mom: "Hey hun..." (when talking to Dad)

Dad: "One...twoooo...threeeeeeeee....." (you NEVER wanted to hear these words)

So there you have it...
Funny words. Serious words. Words.
from the mouths of 2 of the
 COOLEST people you'll
 EVER meet.

I sure do love them.

Cheers to cool parents :)


  1. Hadlee will forever take credit for the first "Grompa." :) And Trampa, and Trama, and Hampa, and Hama.
