Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day

As I'm sure you're all aware...Tuesday was Valentine's Day.  
Now before I go any further, I just want to clear things up:

I am NOT one of those humans who hates on love and hates on couples and hates on all that is good in the world.  I also do NOT refer to Valentine's Day as "Singles Awareness Day". 

Actually, I LOVE Valentine's Day! 
I love it for a few reasons:

(1) Because it brings me back to my elementary school days when we had Valentine's parties and everyone had a little box or a paper sack that they decorated and everyone brought Valentine's cards for everyone else.  And we frosted heart shaped cookies and drank fruit punch and played games.  
I loved that...I loved that a lot.

(2) Because I know that ONE DAY I might actually have someone to celebrate this glorious day with...

(3) Because it makes me laugh!  It is almost humorous to see what kind of crap people will actually spend their money on.  Big balloons, giant teddy bears, boxes of tasteless chocolate, dozens of roses = a HUGE waste of money.  But seriously.  I know these things are meant to be an expression of love...but I just don't buy it.  It's just not my thing.  Maybe I'm me crazy...but if you really loved me, you would  buy me a hamburger and fries (now that's what I call TRUE LOVE).  

(4) Because it's nice to see people show a little love for one day, in a world that is full of anger and hate and jealousy and sarcasm.  Valentine's Day doesn't have to be only for romantic relationships.  It's a great day for expressing your love for any person in your life who you care about and love!

So people...the moral of the story is this:
Don't be hatin' on Valentine's's okay to laugh at some of the silly things about it, but there is no need to hate on it!

Cheers to Valentine's Day :)