Thursday, February 9, 2012

A morning in the life of a rock star (aka me)...

4:00 am- Cell phone alarm goes off ("Party people put it up, take it down and turn it up...").  I turn it off and relish in the fact that I still have 1 hour and 15 minutes to sleep.

5:15 am- Regular alarm goes off (beep...Beeep....BEeeep...BEEEeepp....BEEEEEEPPPPP).  I jump out of bed and turn it off as fast as I can.  Then I kneel down on the floor, with my head on my orange pillow, and say my morning prayers, going in and out of sleep.

5:17 am- Pull on my black pants that smell of bacon.  Slip on some socks.  Shove on my Keens covered in liquid egg.  Put my MTC Dining hat on.

5:20 am- Put in my contacts and brush my teeth.

5:23 am- Throw on my ski jacket. Grab my BYU ID card.  Grab my car keys.  Head out the door.

5:29 am- Arrive at the MTC and clock in.  Throw on a gross white button-up shirt.  Tie an apron on.  

5:33 am- Wait for Francisca to order me around.

5:34 am- Start pulling biscuits out of the ovens.  Or start throwing frozen french toast sticks in the deep fryer.  Or start cooking rice for dinner that night.  

6:00 am- Avoid Francisca--at all costs-- so she doesn't tell me to start cooking bacon (I HATE cooking bacon.  It makes my whole body smell.  The smell literally infuses into my skin.)

7:00 am- Still listening to Francisca order me around in her thick spanish accent

7:17 am- Go grab myself an old fashioned cake doughnut.  Or a bagel.  Or both.

7:30 am- Take a break to go chat with Sophie and Mary.  Then I threaten to push Mary into the pulper.

7:32 am- Francisca comes over and yells at me again.  I go back to work.

7:34 am- I start doing some menial task, such as folding 1,000 pieces of pastrami and placing them in pans for the pastrami sandwiches they will serve at lunch.

8:00 am- Oh, Francisca is still telling me what to do...and re-doing everything I have done...and hip-checking me

8:09 am- Francisca starts throwing vinegar all over the counters and water all over the floors

8:30 am- Things start to slow down...Francisca is chilling out and I just putz around and find stuff to do.  

8:53 am- I look up at the clock and rejoice that I get to leave in T minus 7 minutes...

9:00 am- I tell Francisca goodbye...go clock out...take off the nasty white button-up shirt...grab my coat and keys and...BLITZ.

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